The cleaning of solar installations is a decisive factor for their efficiency and profitability.
Even light soiling such as dust, pollen or bird droppings can reduce the energy yield by up to 20 % – and even more in the case of heavy soiling. This is where Robcon GmbH – Autorobotics and Robsys GmbH come in and join forces to offer innovative PV cleaning solutions with maximum effect.

Why is cleaning so important?
Increased efficiency: Clean modules guarantee optimum solar radiation and significantly increase the energy yield. This has a direct impact on the profitability of the system.
Durability: Regular cleaning protects the modules from permanent damage such as hotspots or surface erosion caused by soiling.
Short-term amortisation: The use of modern cleaning technologies ensures that investments in PV cleaning robots are quickly amortised through increased energy gains.
Cost-effectiveness: The use of state-of-the-art cleaning systems such as the YTM series from Robsys minimises maintenance costs while maximising yield in the long term.
With its project-specific customisable cleaning robots such as the RTM PRO and YTM series, Robsys GmbH brings solutions to the market that offer a daily cleaning capacity of up to 4 MW – efficient, environmentally friendly and economical.
Podcast Deep dive into solar cleaning robots
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